Sunday, April 17, 2011

Terraced back yard (to be repaired and landscaped)


  1. Hi. I came across your blog while searching for examples of a terraced yard. My husband and I are renovating an old home that sits on a creek with a steep drop off. We have two small boys so need to make it safer and more accessible if possible. It was nice to see someone else's pictures of the renovation process. I'm blogging about ours too:
    Good luck with your project--I'll have to check back to see how your yard turns out!

  2. How is your project coming? If you check the Bennett House Restoration blog again, you'll see that we had a major setback about a month after your comment. We still aren't moved in (hopefully soon) and have a lot of work to do. You'll also see that we weren't able to redo the terraces the way they originally were, but we have a beautiful, sturdy retaining wall that should be around for another 100 years! Thanks for your interest!
